Today, a friend at work (my birthday twin–date, not year) wished me a happy last-day-of-my-forties. I’d never thought of it that way before, but the first thing that came to mind was “Good! ...Read More
I wrote this letter to myself on March 24, 2011 in my diary. It was the week Ken was in the hospital before being released to come home for hospice care where he died on June 1. It was one day after o...Read More
I’m pretty meticulous when it comes to recording events—either in my diary or in my calendar. I like to remember things—good or bad. But maybe that’s the wrong way to frame it. I like to remem...Read More
It was effortless to say “I love you” as I said goodbye and hugged each of these four amazing women—whom I’ve known since childhood, but haven’t seen in a lifetime. Seeing them again was sur...Read More
“We are forgetting how to be bored.” At a stop light, we pull out our smartphones to check social media, the weather…something! In a doctor’s office waiting room with nothing t...Read More
Hygge is a Danish word (pronounced “hoo-gah”) that loosely translates to “a quality of coziness and contentment.” It’s conjectured to come from the word “hugge” which means “to comfor...Read More
Every year my mom sends us kids and her grandkids this Halloween poem she made up when I as just a kid (so around 40+ years this poem has been around). I remember we had an assignment in third grade t...Read More