Am I gonna throw up? I wondered. How much extra will that cost? I thought. And that was just on the cab ride to O’hare to begin my first solo trip to someplace I’d never been before. And it wasnâ€...Read More
One day in sixth grade, my classmate Dusty asked, “Ronnie, do you know what the strongest geometric shape is?” Though out of the blue, he seemed pretty confident about this topic–and...Read More
Dear Universe, It’s been a while since my last letter. I was thinking about you the other day; trying to understand the mixed-bag-that-is-you as I sometimes attempt to do. You’re so unpre...Read More
One of the cruelest ironies of dating is that you really can’t talk about the politics of dating with a person you’re on a date with—yet he is the one person who (theoretically) understands ...Read More
“I think it’s a little strange she doesn’t have an ID,” I said as I passed the tenured, buffoonish security guard about the nurse pushing an elderly woman at the Secretary of S...Read More
When I met my nephew Jack he was 5, the older of Ken’s two nephews via his brother and sister-in-law. This past weekend he graduated from high school–an emotional event on its own. But p...Read More
He kept itching his nose–under his left nostril–intermittently until he tilted his head back so I could practically see up and into his brain. “Is it bleeding?” he asked. ̶...Read More
My ticket to living in Chicago was Blockbuster Video. I’d always dreamed of living here, and when I found myself working at a franchise in my college town after graduating (and having no real id...Read More
In the fourth grade our teacher, Mrs. Fisher–with her flaming orange hair and clown red lipstick applied liberally outside the lines of her lips would say things like “whatever rattles you...Read More
I was minding my own business, singing my lungs out along with Pandora on the way home from dropping off my friend Mindy at O’Hare when I saw the oncoming Nissan SUV swerve into my lane, clippin...Read More