Ken always scoffed at the idea of Valentine’s Day. A Hallmark Holiday, he’d call it. But the truth is, he just didn’t believe it should be relegated to one day a year. He was always ...Read More
“The Rules of Inheritance” was released on February 2. I woke up that morning to an email from, letting me know the book had been delivered to my Kindle. Up and out of bed with ...Read More
I haven’t had a chance to sit down and blog this past week, though–as always–I have continued making notes on things that strike my fancy, and that I think would make for a good blog...Read More
I couldn’t believe when I looked at the calendar this week and realized I’d completely missed the anniversary of Ken’s hemipelvectomy surgery. And more than that, I can’t belie...Read More
I have the good fortune and good genes to not be sick very often. This week I got sick. Just a cold. But a bad one for a big baby who who hasn’t been sick since before Ken was rediagnosed with c...Read More
I really enjoyed writing last week’s blog. And it came at just the right time. I began the new year with a grand cleaning and organizing project around the apartment. I’d gone through ever...Read More
I grew up in the church–or rather I grew up in a church. No, my parents weren’t a pair evangelical ministers–they were a pair of…other “colorful” nicknames throughout t...Read More
Like any story worth investing in–the kind that can sweep you up into its enthralling grip–turning the page is the only way to find out where the story leads, taking with you the sum of th...Read More
(My parents living room looks like a Christmas card, right?) I woke up early this morning–and breathed a sigh of relief. The emotional gauntlet of my first Christmas without Ken was over! I neve...Read More
Today had been marked on my calendar for weeks. “Holiday Baking.” It’s tradition I’d grow up with and then that Ken and I shared during our life together. But this year, I deci...Read More