I love a ritual—especially one that involves handwriting, nostalgia, memory keeping and self-reflection.
In January 2022, I started a new ritual, aptly titled “New Year’s Day Cards.” At the end of every month, I’d write out a note to myself. It might contain wins or losses, highlights or lowlights, observations or just tiny things I wanted to remember.

As I’d planned since New Year’s Day 2022, I sat down and opened the sealed envelopes at breakfast on New Year’s Day 2023 in my dining room. As an avid (and multiple) journal keeper, I relish nostalgia and reading observations from my past—many of which I’ve long forgotten about.
I’d written the 12 monthly cards, but I had four additional ones: one to myself after leaving an incredible team (who I now count among my dearest friends) at my previous job, one to Ken around his birthday in September, one to my sweet pup Kallie after saying goodbye to her in December, and one sent to me by my “paper twin” and bestie from college who definitely appreciates these kinds of rituals.

These 4 “extra” cards were the most rewarding to read. Because they were targeted, specific and drenched in pathos. But it was fun–and sad–to revisit many of the impactful events of 2022. Some big. Some small. All important.
Though I’d planned to get out early for a walk or hike, Chicago’s New Year’s Day 2023 was a little too soggy to get out and about, but I so enjoyed enveloping myself in the thoughts and experiences of the past year. I loved every second of it. I understand how lucky I am to have the time, bandwidth and interest to review all the scenes in the play of my 2022 life. Taking stock of the past year is the best way for me to plan how I want to feel in the New Year.
New Year’s Day 2024 will be a little different. I wrote a note to myself and sealed it, expressing my hopes for what will be the past year when I open it on January 1, 2024. And rather than waiting on a monthly cadence, I’ll write a note whenever the mood strikes and pop it into the “bottle” on my mantle…

Happy 2023! I hope the new year brings you love, light, learning and laughter!